The treasure of every land is the history of its products
"De gusto" e "De gusto in Show" "De gusto in tour" are brands and activities of MAST IMPRESA CULTURALE CREATIVA SOCIETA' BENEFIT", IN ABBREVIATED FORM "MAST ICC SB" S.R.L.
Our Society is a benefit society, under the law “legge 28 dicembre 2015, articolo unico, commi 376-384”, and it’s subject to transparency disclaimer. Read more.
Our Society has a vision of a responsible entrepreneurship in which the purpose of profit fits with the realization of the common good, operating in a responsible, sustainable and trasparent way towards people, communities, territory and environment, goods and social and cultural activities, organizations and associations, and other stakeholders
Our Society will pursue one or more positive effects, or a reduction of the negative ones, towards these categories: communities, territory and environment, goods and social and cultural activities, organizations and associations, others interested parties.