The treasure of every land is the history of its products


De gusto and well - Fruit, which and when to eat it

Fresh fruit is the basis of a healthy diet, along with vegetables and greens, and is essential for its high content of vitamins (especially vitamin C and vitamin A), minerals, including zinc, selenium, copper, potassium, fibre, polyphenols and other antioxidants. The World Health Organisation suggests consuming 5 portions of fruit and vegetables per day, a standard portion of fruit, as indicated in the guidelines, corresponds to about 150 g, i.e. one medium fruit such as apple, pear, or two small fruits such as apricots or tangerines for a daily total of about 400 g. In fruit, lipids are almost absent. Its[Segue]

De gusto and well - Training on an empty stomach

Fasting is defined as the absence of food and drink consumption for a certain period of time during the day.  In various diet plans, intermittent fasting is used with the aim of reducing fat mass and increase the daily basal metabolic rate.  How should it be performed? The optimal fasting period suggested by recent studies is 14 to 16 hours a day, and it is recommended to use the night and morning period to reach this quota. It goes without saying that the meal to be eliminated will be breakfast, to arrive directly to lunch without having eaten.  In addition, intermittent fasting is also[Segue]

De gusto and well - Intermittent fasting - Fashion or recipe for health?

We hear a lot lately about intermittent fasting: is it just a passing fad or does it have real health benefits?  real health benefits? Let's first see what it is. "Intermittent fasting is a variable period of time (of hours or even days) during which no food is introduced into the body". Intermittency is determined by alternating time windows in which one eats with periods of time in which when no food is taken in. Normally, we all already practise intermittent fasting. When?  During the night: about 10-12 hours pass from dinner to breakfast the next day. Furthermore, abstaining from food is a very common practice from antiquity,[Segue]

De gusto and well - Vitamin C where to find it

Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, belongs to the group of so-called water-soluble vitamins, for  essential nutrient for humans and must be introduced through the diet on a daily basis, whereas carnivorous animals produce it themselves.  carnivorous animals produce it themselves. Vitamin C provides several benefits:  antioxidant and immune activity essential for collagen production (important for the structure of hair, skin, nails) plays a role in the transformation of L-carnitine, thus aiding energy production, but also becomes an adjuvant for keeping weight under control and supporting the metabolism by reducing free radical levels. inhibits the formation of nitrosamines that are present in pesticides or that can be formed from nitrites[Segue]

De gusto and well - Watermelon and feta salad

The blood-red heart of summer (or sunny yellow in some varieties), the watermelon (or watermelon) represents one of the symbols of the hottest season of the year. one of the symbols of the hottest season of the year: when you eat the first slice of watermelon... summer begins! summer begins!It is a member of the Cucurbitaceae family, a family that also includes melon, pumpkin, courgette and the cucumber, for example, plants that are very common in our vegetable gardens and on our tables due to their ease of cultivation and versatility in the nutritional field. Watermelon, as we were saying, is[Segue]

De gusto and well -Asthenia: how to counteract it with diet

By the word asthenia we define a physical situation of general weakness, with reduction or loss of muscle strength and easy fatigue. Symptoms of this kind often lead people to take supplements of various kinds (in particular tonics or multivitamins) in an ill-considered manner. particularly tonics or multivitamins) in a thoughtless manner, and above all lead the subject to seek out foods that give quick and short-lived energy such as: nerves in particular coffee chocolate, sugar, refined flour, sweets, saturated fats such as cheese. When the symptoms of asthenia appear, it is a good idea to ask oneself some questions to better understand what type of tiredness[Segue]

De gusto and well-being - Outdoor training

During the summer, it is optimal for our health to take advantage of the fine weather for outdoor training sessions, better known as outdoor activities.  The outdoor activities par excellence are undoubtedly walking and running, but in recent years, various activities have developed, such as yoga and tai-chi in parks and free-body training in functional training areas.  These activities often take place in the middle of nature, away from the hustle and bustle and smog of the city, which is why people are more willing to exercise outdoors than in the gym - why is that? The outdoors generates more systemic and[Segue]

De gusto and well-being - Potassium allied to the heart

In addition to vitamins, minerals are also essential in regulating the  biological functions. They are present in trace amounts in cells, tissues and body fluids and are  indispensable for the maintenance of life.  Although they do not provide energy in the form of calories (like carbohydrates, proteins and lipids), mineral salts  are essential for the proper functioning of numerous physiological and biochemical processes. They are  classified into two main categories: macro-nutrients and micro-nutrients, depending on the quantities  required. Potassium is part of the macro-nutrients and is one of the minerals most commonly found in the human body: an adult individual has about 180 grams of it. However, according[Segue]

De gusto and well-being - Healthy snacks for children

More and more often, due to the daily hustle and bustle, parents tend to pay little attention to their children's snacks, opting for pre-packaged snacks that are high in sugar and fat.  Snacks, on the other hand, should be a healthy and balanced option to encourage our children not to skip this meal.  our children not to skip this meal and should therefore be tasty, wholesome, preferably fresh and with seasonal products.  Fresh and with seasonal products, practical and easy to transport, quick to prepare, varied in its proposals and different food categories.  The role of snacks in children is to encourage concentration in the classroom,[Segue]

De gusto and well-being - Nutrition to combat heat and improve hydration

With the hope that soon the rains will leave us in the warm sunshine of the summer months, here are some tips to prepare the body for summer and high temperatures. Proper hydration and water-rich foods are the allies to fight the high temperatures. In summer, one of the main factors that can cause fluid loss in the body is sweating. It is therefore necessary to maintain an adequate hydro-electrolyte balance and integrate the right nutrients in the body by hydrating properly, taking in magnesium and potassium and avoiding an unhealthy and unbalanced diet. an unregulated diet based on sodium-rich foods. It is always useful to prefer and choose[Segue]