The treasure of every land is the history of its products

The companies in
De gusto

The companies

De gusto offers producers and to companies in the food and wine tourism chain, the opportunity to promote their activities, thus enhancing their presence in the area and highlighting their sector and peculiarity, which are a guarantee of success for every true entrepreneur. De gusto explores the ancestral passion for the land and the desire to see the genuineness of its products recognized today.

Azienda Agricola Borgo Trevisan Borgo San Daniele Cantarutti Alfieri Cantina Turus Castello di Spessa Cruna di Subida di Lenardo Foffani I Feudi di Romans I Vini di Emilio Bulfon Il Roncal Paolo Caccese Società agricola Tenuta Villanova srl Spolert Winery Tacoli Asquini dal 1836 Vigna Petrussa Villa Russiz Vini Brojli Aquileia VINI RUJ