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Roe deer in salmì

Difficulty: Medium Doses: for 4 people

800 g of roe deer pulp,

1 onion,

1 stalk of celery,

1 carrot,

1 tablespoon chopped parsley,

1 sprig of rosemary,

2 leaves of sage,

1 bay leaf,

1 clove of garlic,

1 litre of red wine,

3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil,

½ tablespoon of flour,




Poachers were once punished with severe penalties, certainly not out of pity for roe deer, pheasants or wild boar, but because the game could only be hunted by the lord. These restrictive rules, which apply practically throughout Europe, have also led to a certain uniformity in game recipes. At the base, however, there is always the maturation.

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